Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Climate change will cause more extreme weather events

When thinking about the worst possible climate change scenario extreme weather events are really the first thing that comes to my mind. There are many scientists across the globe who would agree that if we fail to significantly decrease global level of carbon emissions this scenario will become our everyday's reality.

The latest UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on climatic extreme events also shares this opinion. According to UN heatwaves will become significantly longer, hotter and increase in frequency, and rainfall will be heavier during the 21st century, all because of the increased climate change impact.

It was also concluded that there is an increased risk from hurricanes and cyclones as wind speeds in hurricanes and tropical cyclones were likely to increase though there is still not enough evidence to draw firm conclusions for each region.

There is also a chance of an increase in danger in high mountains from landslides and the bursts of glacial lakes. All these phenomena will account for not only major environmental but also major economic damage measured in billions of dollars.

There's a very little chance that this newest report will have any effect at international climate talks that will soon begin in Durban, South Africa. World leaders apparently still believe we have all the time in the world to tackle climate change issue.

And the carbon emissions continue to grow, increasing global temperatures and bringing us very close to a global temperature increase of two degrees Celsius which is seen by many scientists as the point of no return in our fight against climate change

Climate change still low on political agenda

Climate change is still low on political agenda and world leaders are yet again more worried about global finances than about global climate, just like this was the case in 2009. Big European debt crisis accompanied by the recent US economic woes are taking away from climate talks in Durban any chance of success.

The scientists have already issued warnings that greenhouse gases are back on rise in the atmosphere which causes faster melting of polar ice caps and increases the global sea levels.

It is almost the same scenario as in 2009, namely financial crisis is once again being used as an excuse to delay any significant climate change action. Because of the financial crisis politicians are once again unwilling to put hands in their pockets and come up with the money needed to adapt to global climate changes.

The three largest polluters in the world -China, United, States and India are extremely reluctant to commit to any significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. None of these three countries is ready to sign new climate deal yet none of these countries want to be blamed for failure in reaching new climate deal.

It seems like each of these three major polluters has some conditions under which deal should be signed. They all seem to be forgetting that climate change is global issue which means no conditionality but unity. At this moment in time global political unity certainly looks more like the utopia than actual reality.

If world fails to agree on new climate deal any time soon greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise increasing global temperature between three and five degrees Celsius by the end of this century. Such temperature increase would forever change the life on our planet.

Let us think about the heritage we will leave to our children and grandchildren

Is renewable energy the best solution to tackle climate change?

The answer whether renewable energy is really the best solution to climate change isn't simple, in fact the right answer to this question would be both yes and no. Yes because only renewable energy has the potential to replace fossil fuels and with it reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and no because transition to renewable energy is not going fast enough.

Time is extremely important factor in our fight against climate change because world is fast approaching the global temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius seen by many scientists as the tipping point after which we will no longer be able to halt climate change.

The scientists say that if world fails to prevent temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius we could be in for the worst possible climate change scenario with extreme weather events being the regular thing.

Our only chance to tackle climate change is to make massive cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions. The problem is that none of the world's biggest polluters such ac China and United States wants to oblige to major emission cuts because that would apparently be of great damage to their economies.

They are once again forgetting that climate change is not only doing big environmental but also big economic damage that is already measured in billions of dollars. What this means is that stopping climate change from running away with it also means preventing gigantic economic damage.

This predicted economic damage would be a combined result of huge biodiversity loss, reduced crops, damage done by frequent natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding, etc.

There's a lot of talk about renewable energy these days but lot of talk doesn't also mean lot of action. Yes, it is true that global renewable energy capacity grows rapidly from the mathematical point of view but in real life renewable energy is at least half of decade away from being able to successfully replace fossil fuels as main energy source.

And there's a really huge doubt whether climate change will give us so much time to make the switch to renewables

Droughts caused by climate change destroy forests

Our forests store approximately 45 percent of the carbon found on land which means that they are vital in our fight against climate change. However, the increased climate change impact has in the last ten years resulted in frequent droughts that have caused deaths of trees in all continents, except Antarctica.

Dying of trees and lesser forest cover gives extra impact to global warming by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed from the atmosphere by trees and also by releasing carbon that was locked up in their wood.

The death of forests trees can also have huge impact on biodiversity; rainforests for instance belong to the areas with the richest biodiversity on our planet so increased forest mortality can irreversibly alter many ecosystems.

If droughts continue they will cause major damage to our forests in years to come. Droughts negatively affect transport of water in trees which results in tree deaths and they also cause huge wildfires.

One of the recent examples of what drought is doing to trees comes from Texas where wildfires destroyed around 175 million cubic feet of timber, according to Texas Forest Service economists and analysts. The economic value of all those trees as they stood in the forest was $97 million. The total volume of all that destroyed timber could have produced $1.6 billion worth of different forest products.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Save Water


Water is life do not waste IT.
Save Water, it will save you later.
One drop of it can change your life.
Stop the drip, to save the drop.
Not just drop in,
Only good, until the last drop.
Water is everywhere but not a drop to drink.
Water is life do not waste IT.
- Mohit Kumar

A move towards more sustainable future.

Every living thing need water whatever it is, an animal,tree,bird or we ourself.
Please Save WATER

Saving Water is not only our responsibility but its a need for our future generations.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Change The World

“Change to Your thoughts and you can change your World”
                                                                - Norman Vincent Pale

Monday, 12 December 2011

Save Us

Save Mother Earth

Save Mother Earth!!!!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A Video From St. Mary's School Dwarka

We The Students Of St. Mary's School, Dwarka Have Taken A Step Forward For The Betterment Of Human Race By Conserving Our Environment. We Are Spreading Awareness About Conserving The Environment.
Watch This Video.........

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

A step towards the better planet by the Students of St. Mary's School, Dwarka
                     To see the impacts of global warming on you and your planet watch this video.